OMG. I'm so tired of everybody's topic.
"Not studying for EOY?" "You got study mah?" "EOY coming liao leh"...
Stop telling me about EOY, yes, im avoiding that no matter what.
Okay, here i am, on-lining facebook, downloading musics, blogging and MSN-ing.
Multi-tasks! Very very sian now. Mood not good :/
2:45 PM
Level 1:
[ ]Slept in class
[X]Talked in class
[X]Not seating at your own place in class
[X]Scolded by a teacher
[X]Litter the classroom
[X]Did not do your homework
[X]Submitted your homework
[ ]put nail polish
[ ]"lepaking"
[X]Did not pay attention in class
[X]dreaming in class
[ ]goofing around in class
[X]Copied other people's homework
[X]Played a trick on your classmates
My Total: 10
Level 2:
[X]walking around
[ ]late for class
[X]was abit naughty
[X]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[ ]scolding vulgarities in class
[ ]spotted hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[ ]used a school facility without school's permission
[X]play in class
[ ]singing loudly during lesson
[ ]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[X]did not greet the teacher properly
[ ]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[X]say bad about teacher
[ ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
My Total: 6
Level 3:
[ ]made a fool out of morning assembly
[X]wasted the school's toilet paper
[X]sabotaged someone
[X]irritated someone
My Total: 3
Level 4:
[ ]forged your parent's signature
[ ]forged a classmate's signature
My Total: 0
Level 5:
[ ]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[X]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[ ]listened to an MP3 player in school
My Total: 1
Level 6:
[X]vandalise the school property
[ ]used the internet
[ ]fought with someone in school
My Total: 1
Level 7:
[ ]cheated in a class test
[ ]cheated in a school examination
[X]Lied to your teacher
My Total: 1
Level 8:
[ ]set fire to something in the school
[ ]locked the teacher out of the classroom
[ ]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance
My Total: 0
Level 9:
[ ]refused to pay school fees
[ ]cheated the school money
[ ]stole things which belonged to the school
[X]bullied someone in school
[ ]pranked called your school
My Total: 1
Level 10:
[X]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal
My Total: 1
Level 11:
[ ]brought weapons to the school
[ ]brought real firearms to the school
[ ]brought a real bomb to the school
[ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ]dressed up as a terrorist to school
My Total: 0
Grand total : 24
If you are between 0-15-------------{I am a good student}
If you are between 16-20------------{I am a good student but with occasional trouble}
If you are between 21-30------------{I am an average student}
If you are between 31-40------------{I am a bad student}
If you are between 41-50------------{I am a very bad student}
If you are between 51-60------------{I should have been caned by the discipline master}
If you are between 61-65------------{I should have been expelled from school }
If you are between 66-75------------{I should have been sent to a reformatory centre}
Im an Average student!
3:09 PM
Welcome Exams, goodbye holiday ):
3:24 PM
QUIZ TIME! Taken from: Xinyue's Blog (:
[x] You own over 10 bottles of nail polish
[ ] You own a designer purse
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60
[ ] You had/have fake nails
[ ] You have more hair products and body products than you can use
[ ] Your pet is a Chihuahua/Pomeranian/Yorkshire Terrier/Siamese/Shih Tzu/ mini anything
[ ] You have clothes/shoes/accessories for your pet
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp
[x] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper
[ ] A pink comforter, carpeting, walls or sheets
Total So Far: 2
Do you:
[x] Spend more time at the mall than you do at homework
[x] Have had a hair color that is not natural
[ ] Have “blonde moments” at least once a day
[x] Buy stuff because it’s awesome and then never wear/use it
[ ] Constantly keep your phone at your side
[x] Dance around in your room when nobody else is home
[ ] Have a name for your car
[ ] Know what celebrity is dating who and who broke up this week.
[ ] Refuse to go out in public without makeup
[ ] Prefer to be called “princess”
Total So Far: 6
Do you love:
[ ] Makeup
[x] Glitter
[x] The color Pink
[x] Jewelry
[ ] Mirrors
[x] Chick flicks
[x] Shoes
[x] Rainbows
[ ] Unicorns
[x] Disney Movies
[x] Flowers
[x] Stuffed Animals
[x] Purses
Total So Far: 16
Do you shop at:
[ ] Coach
[ ] Forever 21
[ ] Victoria’s Secret
[ ] Guess
[ ] Claire’s
[ ] Express
[ ] Delia’s
[ ] Hollister
[ ] American Eagle
[ ] Abercrombie Fitch
[ ] Aeropostale
Total So Far: 16
Do you say:
[x] Whatever
[x] Oh my gosh/goodness
[ ] Hun
[ ] Fugly
[x] That’s hot
[ ] Dunzo
[x] Darling
[x] Bff
[x] Cutie
[x] Hottie
[ ] Skank(y)
[x] Totally
[x] For Sure
[ ] Fabulous
Total So Far: 25
Do you read:
[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Elle Girl
[ ] Teen Vogue
[ ] People
[ ] Us Weekly
[ ] Star
[ ] Self
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] Seventeen
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] Pink Is The New
Total So Far: 25
Do you love these:
[ ] Legally Blonde
[ ] Elizabethtown
[ ] Mean Girls
[ ] Now & Then
[ ] The Notebook
[ ] A Walk to Remember
[ ] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[ ] Just my luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Center stage
[ ] Bring it On
[ ] How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[ ] Mona Lisa Smile
[ ] My Girl
[ ] Wedding Date
[ ] 10 Things I Hate About You
Total So Far: 25
Do you really enjoy:
[x] America’s Next Top Model
[ ] Project Runway
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Sex & the City
[ ] Grey’s Anatomy
[ ] The O.C.
[ ] The City
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[ ] Gilmore Girls
[ ] Degrassi
Total So Far: 26
12:09 PM
Holidays ending soon ): I didnt get to play at all.
4:00 PM